
Step one : Pre-reading


T: Look at the picture, What are these?

S: Butterflies.

T: It’s a kind of living thing. From the picture,do you know what season it is?

S: Spring.

T: Where are the butterflies in winter?

S: Fly to the south.

T: Yes, they can migrate, If they don’t, they will freeze. How do they migrate? Let’s watch a video.

2.Watch a video——播放视频让学生更直观地了解蝴蝶的迁徙过程。

【设计意图】充分利用文本图片,引出本节课的主题,通过老师提问使学生对文章内容有一个初步认识,同时自然而然引出关键词:butterfly、 migrate、 freeze、fantastic、draw one’s attention,让学生在轻松、现实的情境中理解生词。同时,视频的播放吸引了学生的注意力,激发了其阅读的兴趣,为后续阅读做好铺垫。

Step two: While-reading

1. Listen and skim——设计三个能了解文章大意的问题,通过听听力和扫读文章找出答案,在此过程中学生很容易地理解了as many as、cut down的意思,同时为后面的续读匹配做好了铺垫。问题如下: Where does Dr.Chip Taylor teach? How many butterflies spend winter in Mexico? Why do people cut down trees in Mexico?

2. Read in detail——(1)在教师问题的引领下,学生自主细读文章,在此过程中慢慢形成自己的阅读框架,也理解了return to、 lay eggs的意思,同时关注两个定语从句的用法,在此基础上绘制思维导图。

T: We know butterflies are very beautiful and colorful, but there are many fantastic facts we don’t know, read carefully and find out.

Fantastic facts [①]Where do they spend winter?

[②]Which butterflies return to the south?

[③]Where do they lay eggs?


T: Because of pollution, our earth is becoming worse and worse.It influences not only us but also butterflies, Dr.Taylor worries them a lot, what are they?

Things that Dr. Taylor worries [①] cut down trees

[②]Use chemicals

(3)两部分的阅读任务完成后,学生可能会有些倦意,为了调动他们的积极性和探究精神完成整个阅读任务,我设置了以下问题:Universe is a mystery, so are the butterflies, there are many things that scientists don’t understand. Do you want to know?

mysteries [①] When to fly south?

[②] How to find the same forest?


Step three: Post-reading



3.Writing—— We depend on the nature to live on the earth, no nature, no humans, what can we do to protect our earth? Please write some sentences and read for us.






作者单位 山东省宜君县第一中学