




2.学生回答后,进一步提问:“Have you experienced an earthquake?Could you tell me what you saw, felt and thoughtabout?”在学生回答后,板书“A night the earth didn't sleep”,让学生猜测“why didn't the earth sleep”。



1. Fast reading

(1)教师引导学生快速浏览本文,总结出本文主旨大意。板书提示词汇:When?Where?What happened?

(2)Scanning. Scan the text and find out the key sentence in each paragraph.

2. Careful reading

Task 1. Interview.(采访,角色扮演-role play)每一小组选一位同学做记者——reporter,其他同学扮演唐山大地震中的幸存者。将地震前的一些征兆用采访对话的形式表达出来。

Task 2. Damage during the earthquake.(Report)学生找出信息后,老师指导学生扮演电视台记者,把地震灾情报道给观众。先组内报导,再在全班演示,如:I am a reporter from CCTV 1. I will report the damage of the earthquake...

Task 3. Rescue after the earthquake.(role-play)学生们分别设想自己是soldiers、teams、miners、shelters。What did they do?学生们把文中找到的信息用第一人称的形式转述出来,如:We are soldiers,we were sent to the earthquake area at once as soon as the earthquake happened/broke out.We put up shelters,rescue the injured people to the nearest hospital...

【设计意图】如果只让学生简单完成skimming、scanning、careful reading内容的话,学生们只会把这篇文章当作一篇文章来学习。而设计成角色扮演的形式,既训练了阅读技巧,又让学生设身处地地想象自己身处地震灾难中,更能令学生印象深刻。这不仅是对知识的学习,而且是一次精神的洗礼,让学生真正感受到灾难的无情。

3. Post-reading

In this part,students learn to get some survival tips from the games. They will experience,then the teacher guides students to make a summary of the measures,which may save theirs lives in the earthquake. Do the test:Can we survive in an earthquake?Let's have a try then make a summary of survival tips.

利用多媒体辅助教学来做这个游戏,以动画的形式进行。如果选错方法,就会在动画中显示“被地震夺去生命”,让学生深刻体会灾难的无情。然后,师生共同总结方法:Don't be nervous and keep calm. Don't try to run out of the classroom. Hide under the desk. Protect your head by putting your bag on your head. Leave the classroom after the earthquake. Never try to use the lift.



